Apex Gaming PCs Blog

When it comes to modern PC gaming, there is no combination like the GPU, CPU, and RAM that make up the abilities of a system. Comparisons of those to “adult legos” or “building blocks” is not so far from the...
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There is a PC for everyone, regardless of configuration or price. Marginalized performance over a wide range of computer components is achievable at almost every price point, around $1,000. With prices of components returning to more stable levels, looking into...
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There are some great methods for determining whether a school-oriented desktop can run games stock or with minor upgrades. Most desktop PCs marketed for school use have a case, motherboard, CPU, and storage layout with a lower-wattage PSU (Power Supply...
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Depending on your storage type, the term TBW (Terabytes Written) could explain why the older a system is less reliable in the time to access programs stored. However, does that contribute to the quality of the build or the protocol...
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